How Does Your Mind Use Your Time?

Several of our church ladies had the blessing and privilege of attending a ladies' meeting in North Carolina yesterday. We received a wonderful lesson from one of the sweetest Christian women you will ever meet, Mrs. Debbie Morris from Arizona.

The very first question she posed us has stuck with me for the past several hours. She looked across the room of ladies and asked, When you're laying in bed at night, listening to your husband snore, what are you thinking about?

We all thought for a moment and several things came to my mind - my husband, my family, our finances, my websites. Then came the kicker. She asked us if we think about those things more than we think about God.

The time we have within our 24 hours each day is incredibly precious. I can't begin to imagine how many of those moments I've wasted thinking about things that seemed more important than my Lord - at the time. There are so many things out of my control and so many things that I allow myself the time to think about. But where does God fit into that day planner of my thoughts?

I'd like to say that He's the first thing I think about in the morning, the last at night and most of the time in between. Some days He is, but other times I get overwhelmed with the tasks and responsibilities of the day and push Him to the side.

I'd like to say that I spend more time with God's Word than any other hobby or person or activity of the day. Unfortunately that is far from the reality of my day, and that is to my detriment. How can I get fed for the coming day if I don't spend an appropriate amount of time in His Word?

I'd like to say that I spend gobs of time in prayer and have a strong, healthy prayer life. My prayer time is precious to me, but I know there's not enough of it. Imagine what I could do and be if I was more firmly grounded in prayer.

Mrs. Debbie opened my eyes to the way I've been prioritizing my time each day. I want to devote every part of my life, and especially my time, to the things of God. I've already got a good start, but I know there's so much He'd love to teach me and share with me if I was willing to give Him more of my time.

Take a look at your own thoughts and time today. Are you placing God above all else and making Him the priority of your day, throughout the day? If not, I pray that you'll join me in giving the Lord the time He deserves and requires in the upcoming days. Then we'll see the power and blessings He can bestow in a ready and willing heart.


  1. Hi I realy enjoyed this post
    It touched my heart, I watched you grow up
    love dad


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