Let's Make It Caturday!

I watched yesterday while the girls and Cayenne enjoyed their Christmas gifts. We filled a plastic stocking with toys and cans of cat food for Cay and gave Bailey and Sadie rawhide toys and a big bag of treats. Whoever said Labs think with their stomachs was on the right track. All three of them had a fabulous day and slept incredibly well last night.

That's when I realized, they don't even know it's a holiday. Friday, December 25, 2009, was just another day to them. True, we gave them more to eat than usual, but other than that it was business as usual. And usual means eating, sleeping, running outside and cuddling with their humans.

Animals live in the moment - they don't worry about much, except that it's time for their next meal and it hasn't magically appeared in their bowls.

They aren't concerned about receiving gifts or having the biggest, newest or shiniest "whatever." All they want today and every day is love and attention.

When they get overwhelmed, they don't stress out or have a nervous breakdown. They find a place all of their own and take a nap.

It's not about how much you spend, it's about how much love you give.

Today is the best day ever because it the one you've got right now. This is the best walk ever because it's the one you're on right now. This is the best treat ever because it's the one you have right now.

Unconditional love can't be wrapped, but it's the best present ever! We so blessed to be able to share it with our pets every day, not just on Christmas. May your today with your fur babies be the most special ever - just because it's today!


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