Chores To Do In 10 Minutes

Time is a precious commodity these days. It seems like we can never get on top of all the chores around the house that have to get done, plus make a dent in some of the those we'd like to do.

Do you have 10 minutes? Somewhere in between work and dinner, cleaning and errands, tackle one of the following tasks that will take just 10 minutes of your time.

1. Empty and sort one drawer in the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom.

2. Sort out your old magazines.

3. Vacuum or sweep and mop one room's floors.

4. Fold and sort the laundry.

5. Clear off one counter top, dresser or chest.

6. Grab a basket and clear out one room of all things that belong in other rooms. In your next 10 minutes, put them in their appropriate places.

7. Clean and shine all your mirrors.

8. Fill and run the dishwasher.

9. De-gunk the microwave.

10. Wipe down your fan blades.

And this is just the beginning. If you've only got 10 minutes at a time, you can really do a lot. Look around and see what needs to be tackled, then work for those few minutes and move on. Nobody said you have to spend entire days cleaning - it's about working efficiently and using the time you have, whether it's 10 minutes or a couple of hours.


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