Shades Of Green Around The Edges Of Nature

What a breath of fresh air this weekend - Iowa finally has shades of green around its edges! After so many months of bone-breaking wind, dreary days and cloud-filled skies, nature's true spring color is finally shining through. And I couldn't be happier.

There's something special about the first buds, the first green swatches that remind us that there is hope. Hope that it won't be brown forever. It won't be overcast forever. It won't be dormant and stagnant forever.

For a world that has been in hibernation for so very long, the first signs of warm weather make your heart skip a beat. I literally grinned as I walked around the property, and I'm not embarrassed to share that. It's so greatly needed.

The fish are jumping, the geese and ducks are swimming and the birds are singing their little beaks off. I think they're just as happy as I am!

Even the puppies have a spring in their step, pun completely intended. We walk a little farther, stay out a little longer and go outside a little more often. How could you not want to soak all this in?

But the best part of the whole experience is seeing my favorite tree break out in shades of green in one tremendous movement. One day it was brown, and the next day it was this beautiful sparkle of green. There's nothing more beautiful than a green tree in front of a blue sky on the most beautiful day of the year so far. It makes me wonder what the days to come might bring.


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