Apple Pecan Chicken Salad Sandwiches

What do you do when you have a whole chicken you roasted in the slow cooker? You turn it into chicken salad, of course! And when you add in apples, pecans, celery and cranberries, you have a better-than-bought chicken salad.

The chopping is the only thing that takes time and energy in this recipe. I finely diced a large apple and two celery sticks. Then I slightly crushed about a cup of pecans and half a cup of cranberries.

After enjoying the two drumsticks, because they're my favorite, I shredded the rest of the chicken into a large bowl. I stirred in the other ingredients along with 3/4 cup of mayonnaise, just enough to coat everything. I'm a big fan of fresh, warm chicken salad, so I scooped out enough for sandwiches before storing it in an air-tight container in the fridge.

And the rest, as they say, is lunch! Ok, no one says that, but this recipe makes enough for two or three meals, depending on how much you eat directly from the bowl, either with chips or a spoon, whichever is handiest.


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