My Favorite Books From January

There's nothing worse than having to start a conversation with a confession, but here we go.

One of my goals for the new year was to read more books. We bought three new bookshelves last fall, and I filled two of the three large shelves on one with the books I own that I haven't read yet. It really put my book collection into perspective because I desperately want to know what is written inside each and every one of them. 

That's why it's so difficult for me to choose what book I want to read next. I feel like choosing one of them tells the rest of them that they're less worthy. It breaks my heart.

The moment 2022 began, I knew I wanted to reread Priscilla Shirer's book Fervent, which goes with the War Room movie. I can't think of a better way to start the year than by rewriting my prayer strategy for my prayer closet/war room. If you haven't read this book, seen the movie or both, do it. We all need a battle plan!

For Christmas, a friend gave me John MacArthur's Twelve Extraordinary Women, and I was so grateful! I have his Twelve Ordinary Men, though it's another one on the haven't-read-yet shelf. (Yes, as soon as I finished that sentence, I went in and got it off the shelf to read next.) The Women's edition is absolutely fascinating, bringing up some details and background that I had never heard before. And that's one of the quickest ways to my heart! 

I also have The Richest Man Who Ever Lived as an e-book, but I honestly didn't remember anything about it. I have passages highlighted in my e-book, but I must have been asleep when I read it, or distracted or something. I have no excuses. I will just say that I adore this book, and I fully intend to reread it often. It is packed with searches into King Solomon's proverbs about being successful in God's economy, not the world's. Steven Scott talks about everything from running a business to choosing good partnerships to speaking words that will truly make a difference in someone's life. Love. It.

What books did you read in January that touched your heart?


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