Wildlife Spending The Week At The Carrell Wildlife Preserve

This has been a crazy year in so many ways, from viruses to busy schedules to just keeping up with the everyday routine. I felt it most obviously when I looked through my pictures to share these with you today. On a normal day (whatever normal looks like), I would find hundreds of property and wildlife photos, but I really had to do some looking today. 

When I get wrapped up in other stuff, I can miss the little things like our geese having their first baby that lived to this age. They have had a few babies in past years, but because we also have coyotes and other predators living here, they usually don’t live very long. So this family picture makes my heart happy.

And for some reason, Iowa has a plethora of bunnies right now. I went on a walk in town with girls from our youth group, and we literally saw dozens of rabbits in just the few blocks around their house. The same goes on the property - you can go out on the deck at any given moment and see them hopping around, not a care in the world. Must be something in the water…

Speaking of the deck, it’s been storming and steamy here lately, so we take advantage of that outdoor space any time we can. It is in direct sun almost all day, but the puppies don’t care, especially when the babies are crated while I’m at work. I guess they’re working on their tan! And just in case you were wondering, Molly’s out there, too. She’s just laying at the top of the steps so she can survey her territory undisturbed. My sweet lioness.


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