99Walks One Year Later

At this time last year, everything was shut down and we were working from home. I wasn’t able to eat out or go to the gym or visit people and places that were important to me. Depression was settling in, I was very sedentary and I wasn’t eating very healthy. 

Then I discovered 99Walks and all that changed.

99Walks is a community of mostly women who motivate themselves and each other to walk intentionally. I set a goal at the beginning of every month, track my walks on the map and receive a themed bracelet when I reach that goal. Sparkle makes everything better, right?

I am absolutely delighted to share with you that I received my twelfth monthly bracelet, representing an entire year of reaching my walking goals! They aren’t huge and they aren’t very awe-inspiring, but they are to me. I have a visual reminder every day that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to, regardless of how I feel. Because some days, those few miles were difficult and painful. But I didn’t give up. I walked and I tracked and I walked and I drank more water and I walked more.

So far this year, I’ve walked more than 100 miles. Many times I walk laps around the lobby of the convention center where my office is located. Five laps equals one mile, so I try to do five laps in the morning and five laps in the afternoon. It breaks up the day and keeps me from just sitting at my desk for hours at a time. Which I could easily do.

If you’re looking for a way to walk more, feel better about your health and earn some bling in the process, I highly recommend 99Walks. But you can also set your own health and wellness goals, keep track of them in your handy-dandy planner and give yourself your own rewards. Whatever it takes to get up and get moving. You’ll be glad you did.

Now I’m off to walk! Catch me if you can.


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