How Your Christian Life Can “Bee” Amazing

Let’s begin this new week with a fun Bible study. A friend of mine raises bees, and her enthusiasm is contagious. So let’s talk about how amazing our spiritual life can “bee.” See what I did there? I know, right?

God’s word is full of instruction, correction and direction for how to live a life devoted entirely to Him. He never hides anything from us, and He never expects us to figure things out for ourselves. As we learn more about how the Lord wants us to live, the more like Christ we will become. 

These are the words I used on our June bulletin board. I encourage you to look up the verses this week and see how the Spirit leads and convicts you to bee amazing in the days to come.

Bee Faithful: Psalm 31:23
Bee Merciful: Luke 6:36
Bee Praying: 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Bee Reliable: Matthew 25:21
Bee Thankful: 1 Chronicles 16:34
Bee Reading: Acts 17:11
Bee Seeking: Proverbs 8:17
Bee Kind: Luke 6:35
Bee Hopeful: Psalm 33:22
Bee Uplifting: Romans 14:19
Bee Humble: Matthew 23:12
Bee Studying: John 5:39
Bee Courageous: Deuteronomy 31:6
Bee Strong: Joshua 1:9
Bee Dedicated: Psalm 16:8


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