10 Truths I Wish I Had Known As A Teenager

One of the main reasons I love that Danny and I work with the youth of our church is that we can be the leaders I wish I had when I was their age. I hate to admit it, but I honestly don’t remember much about my youth group growing up. I remember the drama of who was dating who, what snacks we had that night and what trip we were about to take, but I don’t remember the lessons or the worship services, and that makes me sad.

I want our teenagers to understand is that God is who He says He is and His word holds the answers to all of their questions. I want them to know that they are loved by a holy God who wants the absolute best for their lives. I want them to understand the plan of salvation and what having a relationship with Jesus Christ looks like. I want them to know these truths above all else:

* The God of the Bible, the one who did miracles and created all things, is the same God they experience today.

* Having a relationship with Jesus Christ is so much more important than the friends they socialize with now.

* Of all the billions of people in the world, God decided it needed one of them, and that makes them so special.

* It’s ok to ask the Lord why something is happening in their lives, but they can’t shake their fist and get mad at Him.

* If they listen to their pastor and teachers now, then apply what they hear to their lives, they can avoid serious heartache down the road.

* Jesus must increase and they must decrease, even if that means being humble when they don’t want to be.

* God loves them just the way they are, but He also loves them enough to not let them stay that way.

* Growing pains are normal, whether they are physical, emotional or spiritual.

* They need to be mentally present when they are with the church family, just as much as they need to be physically present.

* Other people are going through trials and problems just like they are, and it’s so important to be caring and uplifting to everyone they meet.


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