The Sweetest Cookie Sandwich Frosting Ever

One of my favorite parts of the week is deciding what treats I’m going to make for youth group. Usually it’s something that sort-of-somewhat coordinating with the theme of our lesson. For example, Wednesday night we’re studying the fruit of the Spirit, so we’ll have fruit salad. Clever, I know.

This past Sunday, though, our treat had absolutely nothing to do with our lesson. I just wanted to make an ooey-gooey cookie sandwich that would make the roof of their mouths tingle. (And mine too, because no one gives gifts of food without trying it for themselves. Right?) So my homemade frosting turned store-bought cookies into something very special.

2 sticks butter, softened
1 7-oz jar of marshmallow fluff
2 Tbsp vanilla 
2 cups powdered sugar (with more on hand if you want it)
3 Tbsp milk
24 cookies

1. Put two sticks of softened butter in the bowl of a stand mixer, then add fluff and vanilla. Beat on medium speed until completely combined and creamy.

2. On low speed, mix in powdered sugar and milk. Ad more powdered sugar if necessary to make frosting thick enough to spread.

3. Divide the frosting between 12 of the cookies and top with a second cookie. Will make 12 cookie sandwiches. Serve immediately to keep frosting from running. Do not try to keep past a day or two or the frosting will get runny.


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