The New Baby In Bethlehem

Jesus didn’t get angry when there was no palace available for Him to be born in.
Jesus didn’t become bitter because the barn was all the room spared for Him.
Jesus didn’t throw a pity party and angry-cry because He missed His home in heaven.
Jesus didn’t complain about the scratchy straw and the animal smells around His manger.
Jesus didn’t let jealousy get the best of Him, wondering why other babies were born in better conditions.
Jesus didn’t regret His choices and actions for one single moment.

If we were the ones writing the Christmas story, we picture a blockbuster movie script with castles and throngs of people and a triumphant entry. His name and face would have been on the front of every newspaper, and trumpets would herald His arrival for all to hear. All of Israel would have bowed the knee and hailed the conquering King in all His glory and might.

Yes, it’s overly dramatic, but it’s exactly what the religious leaders were waiting for. They were looking for the King and Lord who would sit on the throne of David and be their Deliverer. 

They were given just that, but it wasn’t in the way they had planned. Their Messiah wasn’t supposed to be born in such a humble and quiet way. The actual birth of Jesus Christ is only given one verse of Scripture:

And she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7

No pomp and circumstance, no choir of angels, no ticker tape parade to announce His arrival on earth. Just His earthly parents and a few country animals. The shepherds wouldn’t come just yet, and it would be a while before the wise men would start following the star. For the moment, it was a subdued affair as Mary and Joseph marveled over the goodness of God. His had been faithful in His promises of this coming baby, and they must have been overwhelmed 

This Christmas season, let’s turn inward for a few moments and examine the attitude of our hearts. Are we angry at someone? Are we bitter about our circumstances? Have we held a pity party instead of a Christmas party? Are we too busy complaining, being jealous or swamped with regret? 

The peace and joy of Jesus Christ aren’t wrapped and topped with pretty bows, but they are among the presents of this celebration. His presence is our present, above all else. Are our eyes open to this miracle today? I pray the Lord Himself will remind us in the days to come that He is still in the miracle business, and that He is our example for our moods, our emotions and our attitudes. The joy of the Lord is our strength and our comfort.


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