Cinnamon Streusel Baked Donuts

We're addicted to streusel topping at our house right now. I've put it on everything from French toast casserole to eggnog bread to ... a few things that don't normally have streusel topping. It's just that good.

And when I found a cinnamon swirl cake mix on mark-down at the grocery store, the first thing I thought was DONUTS! Aren't donuts what your mind always defaults to? Maybe that's just me.

So I prepared the box mix according to the directions (check to see what ingredients you'll need - they vary from brand to brand) and made a batch of 12 donuts.
Once the pans are filled, gently press the topping into the batter. This is my go-to topping mix.

1/3 cup flour
1/3 cup sugar
1 Tbsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
pinch of salt
2 Tbsp butter, cut in to the dry ingredients

For a regular-sized donut pan, you'll bake them at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Don't overbake!

Leave them in the pans for about 10 minutes, then gently remove them and place them on a cooling rack. If you don't put them straight in your mouth, which is a definite possibility.


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