Gabriel Visits The Unsuspecting Mary

Less than a year before the arrival of the Christ child, we see another visit from Gabriel and this time to an unsuspecting young girl. The angel must have been a commanding figure, as his appearance struck fear in the hearts of both Zacharias and Mary. But both times Gabriel tells them there is nothing to fear because he is on a mission from God Himself.

How jaw-dropping it must have been for Mary to hear such powerful words spoken about her from the lips of God’s angel. We can tell that she doesn’t think of herself in those terms because her only response is: But how?

The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. Luke 1:35

Never before and never since has such a miracle taken place. Here was the promise of the Messiah once again, as Mary had heard the prophecies many times over, but this time she would be part of that story. God’s presence would be her present, as He would come in power and holiness to bring His Son to earth.

And what does Mary say? Does she question the Lord’s thought process? Does she roll her eyes and walk away? Does she cower in fear and make excuses? Does she tell Gabriel that she couldn’t possibly take on one more thing in her busy schedule - he knows she’s espoused, right? There’s just too much to do right now.

No. She answers with 14 of my favorite words in all of Scripture: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. Luke 1:38

Mary’s willing heart pleased God. He chose her to be the mother of His Son for a reason, and her heart attitude was part of that reason. Her humility and her faith in God’s perfect will were what drew Him to her in the first place. And because she loved God so much, she was ready, willing and able to be used when He wanted her.

During this Christmas season, let’s use the example of this young girl to prepare our own hearts for the coming of the Christ child. Let us offer our willing hearts to God so that we can be a vessel unto honor for our Lord. We will never carry the Son of God, but God has amazing plans for our lives, now and until Christ returns. Check your heart attitude today and tell God that you are ready to be used according to His word.


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