A Week Of Light Awareness

Our entryway light has three bulbs in it. They are fairly small bulbs, but they put out a lot of light just inside the front door.

Several weeks ago, one of the bulbs burnt out. I noticed it, but I didn't think much of it because the other two bulbs were working just fine. It was in the back of my mind, but not really.

Then last week the second one blew. I heard the pop and saw the room get a little more dim, but again, there was enough light to get in and out of the house with no trouble.

But this weekend the third bulb went out. As I flipped the light switch, I was suddenly plunged into darkness. It was late in the evening as I was taking Molly outside one more time, so the change from light to dark was very dramatic.

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5

It wasn't until I couldn't see my hand in front of my face that I got up on the step stool and changed all three bulbs. Immediately the small room was bathed in light from three fully functioning bulbs.

When Jesus Christ came to earth, His light was a mystery. The darkness man walked in couldn't understand what and who He was because they had known darkness for too long. Suddenly the world was full of hope and joy and peace because these were the gifts Christ brought with Him as Light in the darkness. And they are the gifts He spreads through the world through you today.

In less than two weeks we will celebrate Resurrection Sunday and the miracle of that Easter weekend.  Make this week leading up to the Passion Week a time of Light awareness. Take every opportunity you can to share the Good News of Christ's death, burial and resurrection with a dark, lost and dying world. The darkness around you won't understand it on its own, but they'll see a difference in you as you shine the Lord in all you say and do.


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