Summer Dog Treats

 With warmer days coming upon us fast, it's time to think about how we'll keep our four-legged friends cool. Here's a great way to keep them busy and help them beat the heat.

Fill a plastic cup halfway with chicken stock, then fill the rest of the way with water. Drop in five or six dog treats and put it in the freezer. (And yes, that's Molly's nose as she checks them out.)

Run a little hot water over it when it's frozen solid and it will pop right out. Put it back in the cup to take it outside, and trust me, this is definitely an outside toy.

Your dog will lick and chew at the frozen parts to get to the treats inside. The girls loved them, and it kept them busy for several ... minutes.

For smaller dogs (smaller than a 150-pound Great Dane), you can use an ice cube tray for your liquids and put one treat in each one. You can also freeze rawhide sticks in a cup, standing it up on end like a handle.


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