Take Time For Balance

If you were to close your eyes and picture the perfectly balanced life, what would you see? What combination of life activities make you feel contented and at peace?

Whatever it is that you just imagined, there is a desperate need in a Christian woman's life for balance and joy. Instead of filling our days with more "stuff to do" we can arrange our schedules to the perfect balance. This balance will not come from our own creativity, though, but from taking time to listen to what God has to say about the subject.

The first priority of any day we are blessed with is time with God. From there, He will give instruction on how this list may be rearranged to fit your life and lifestyle. A car can't work without all of its parts in good working order, and neither can a victorious life.

1. Prayer time
2. Bible study
3. Health and wellness
4. Worship
5. Husband
6. Children
7. Keeping the home
8. Errands
9. Finances
10. Fun
11. Friends and Family
12. Work

The challenge in any woman's life is understanding what she needs to do and when. No amount of day planners, PDAs and family calendars will show us exactly what our priorities for the day should be. Starting the day in prayer and taking each day moment by moment, living each one to glorify God, is the only way to have a truly balanced life. The Lord will always lead, guide and direct when we ask Him to. Using His priorities guarantees a more balanced life, as long as we keep ourselves out of the equation.

We are blessed with a certain time on earth, and only the Lord knows how long we have. I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to waste any of that precious time. Time and effort are so much more important than money or position. Pray for God's direction in scheduling your upcoming week so that you move closer to balance His way.


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