Gratitude Journal

I often think about a phrase I hear people pray all the time - let us appreciate those who are around us today, because we will never meet exactly like this again.

Between this Thanksgiving and next year's, we have no idea what paths God will lead us down, whether it's through new additions to our families, death or the rapture. For just those reasons, this quick and easy craft idea will be perfect for your Thanksgiving Day celebration.

Decorate a composition book with fall papers and embellishments and label the front with the year, your family's name and a prayer of thanks.

Inside, assign each person in your family a page, then decorate them with pictures and embellishments. Sometime during the day on Thursday, let everyone fill in their pages with a list of what they're thankful for this year.

You might start each page with some sentence starters for the more "journaling shy" in the house. You can also ask some questions and include some family history.

This book won't be filled this week, so keep it somewhere safe and pull it out again next year. You can look back and see the blessings God has bestowed over the months and add to it with new gratitude. What a family treasure!


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