Books I Read And Loved In May

Yes, I have an addiction to reading. And no, I don’t intend to seek help for it. I’d rather read a book about it anyway. (See what I did there?) During the month of May, I didn’t have as much time to read as I normally do, but I did get to pull out a bunch of old favorites, finish one I started a couple of months ago and get some inspiration for summer fun. Sounds like a good combination to me.

The Proposal, The Rescue, The Visitor, The Pursuit and Sophie’s Heart, all by Lori Wick. The first four are her English Garden series, which I haven’t read as many times as some of her other books. For some reason it’s difficult for me to get past people having servants, even in a storybook, even though it sounds silly. Sophie is another great character, and it’s fun to watch her change, grow and fall in love. Good stuff!

From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg. This book is from my childhood book collection, and we just found it a couple of weeks ago. I immediately sat down and read it - it took less than two hours - and remembered why I kept it. It’s so much fun, especially when you get to the twist near the end. No hints ... read it for yourself!

The Fabulous Showman, Irving Wallace’s biography of P.T. Barnum. As a huge fan of The Greatest Showman, the movie based on Barnum’s life, this book was so interesting. There are many, many details of his life that were included, some that were changed slightly to make things more dramatic, and a few that were completely made up. Reading this book is like taking the tent off the Big Top and looking right down into the circus. Totally fascinating!

Summertime Treats: Recipes and Crafts for the Whole Family by Sara Perry. I’ve had this book tucked away since the end of summer last year, and I couldn’t wait to pull it out. Some pages are specifically for children, but they are only a small portion of the book and can easily be adult-ified to make them interesting and totally doable. The recipes are fun and super-simple, and I can’t wait to share one with you next Tuesday - don’t miss it!


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