Joy In The Journey

These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. John 15:11 Jesus’ words spoke of His joy, which would turn into our joy. What a beautiful image of the joyful life a Christian can experience when they’re abiding and attached firmly to the Vine.

I wish it was that easy. I would love to be able to tell you that it’s super easy to stay plugged in and stay in tune and stay joyful. But the reality is that we’re human and there will be days when we’re not experiencing joy like we once were. If only we could throw on a shirt, put in some earrings and wrap a bracelet around our wrist and ... poof! There’s that joy we’ve been looking for!

The truth is, there will always be days when we’re a little low on joy - not the happiness that comes from the circumstances around us going well, but the internal joy that comes from Christ alone. It’s in those times that we search our hearts for any sin, decisions or actions that are separating us from fellowship with the Lord. Then we dive into the Scriptures, take extra-special time in prayer and listen for His Spirit speaking to our soul. Only then will we discover joy like a fountain flowing from that eternal Source. That’s where joy truly comes from.


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