Soup For The Arts A Treat For The Heart

These two new bowls came from a college fundraiser for their arts department scholarships. Having gone to the college and knowing how important the arts program there is to the students, we were delighted to attend.

So here’s the background: the art students make the pottery bowls, so every one of them is different. The bowls were all laid out on the tables, and you could pick out the bowl you wanted. It was a difficult decision because they were all incredible.

Danny’s plan was to find one he liked, carry it around while looking at the other ones and be willing to switch if he saw one he liked better. It worked. The two-toned glaze on his looks amazing. And I couldn’t resist the flowered bowl that was stamped and textured inside. It is absolutely beautiful.

Once inside the dining room (yes, all this took place before we even got inside!), the culinary arts classes served a variety of soups provided by local chefs and restaurants. You could take your handmade bowl to every station and sample the handmade soup. There were tables set up around the room for seating, but many people chose to eat standing up so they’d be close enough to get another bowl quickly. Efficient eating, huh?

Don’t ask me which soup was my favorite - they were all incredible! I did learn later that one of the ones that ranked high on my list was created by a chef I know! Added bonus: now I can ask him to make it again!

It was such a fun evening, perfect for a date night. After we’d filled up both our bellies and our hearts, we went to the bowl washing station one more time and got to take our bowls home. Every time we use them we’ll think about being able to help next year’s students make bowls, too. That makes my heart extra-happy.


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