Lord, Lift Up My Head

I can't begin to imagine what must have been going through David's head and heart as he ran to escape his evil son, Absalom. Even here in his own words of Psalm 3, he was careful how he described his enemy, his own child, and he must have been absolutely drained emotionally.

That part we can all understand. We've each been in situations that were uncontrollable, and we're run down physically, mentally and emotionally. That's why David's psalm is such an uplifting chapter for us today, literally.

But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. Psalm 3:3

This invitation for personal contact from God may seem difficult, as we so often appear at God's throne bent over from humility and heartbreak. When we feel like we might never stand up straight again, bowed down from the weight of the world, David reminds us that the Lord is offering to do the heavy lifting for us.

We can't fight very well if we're focused on our shoelaces, but God can change all of that. David was on the run, but he had faith that God could take the situation, be his shield and protector, and then lift up David's face to commune with Him and see the truth. David knew he couldn't do it on his own, and he was trusting in his Lord to lift him back up.

The words are repeated just pages later, and God never repeats anything in His Word that isn't vitally important. This time, however, David was writing a song of confidence. He experienced the results of God lifting up his head, and now - in a new situation - he had no doubt that the Lord would help him be victorious.

And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD. Psalm 27:6

David's confidence in God was so complete that he was all ready to sing praises out of pure joy. And that was before the battle was even won. David knew his faithful, merciful Lord would lift him up because he had experienced it for himself. The voice of experience sings forth the loudest, clearest, most loving praises you'll ever hear.

This time around, David wrote, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can stand in the congregation of believers and tell them what God has done for me. Even now, when surrounded by my enemies, I have faith that He will win the battle for me, so I might as well go ahead and praise His holy name.

We can each have this same joy and confidence in the Lord, Who is the same yesterday, today and forever. The same God Who invited David to personal, private moments of contact with Him is calling out to you today. And once you've experienced what it's like to have those intimate times with Him, you can't help but trust that He'll be there when you're surrounded by trial and tribulation.

So go ahead and prepare your song of praise, even when you're in the midst of heartache. Offer the sacrifice of joy, even if you don't know how this chapter of your story is going to end. And look forward to how God will lift up your head in every situation that has you bowed over because He has promised - not once but twice - to be there for you every time.


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