Are You Asking The Right Questions?

When you do your daily Bible study, are you asking any questions like these?

Am I done yet?
Do I really need to know this?
Why is this even in the Bible?
Does God really mean me here?
Have I read enough for today?
How is this important in this day and age?

If these are your questions, you're probably not getting too much out of your devotion time. It's easy to get distracted and rush through when you know yr to-do list is waiting for you. And besides, you've read this passage a dozen times and know it by heart? Why really study it again?

Well, for starters, the Bible is a living, breathing book inspired by God. You are my the same person (mentally or spiritually) that you were the last time you read it, so God is prepared to reveal new truths and meaning this time through. What a waste it would be if you hurried to get done and missed out on the blessing He had all ready for you.

Also, Bible study isn't just about you. It's about absorbing all you can and hiding it away in your heart. You may think you'll never use that verse, but by tucking it away, God may have just the situation in mind where you can share it with someone else. If you haven't learned it, He can't use you in the same way for His glory. How terrible it would be to miss out on being a blessing because you wanted a few extra minutes for yourself.

So what questions should you be asking as you study your Bible today?

1. What jumped out at you as you read these verses? Was there something new or different that touched you like never before?

2. Do you understand its message well enough to summarize it? Do you know it well enough to explain it to someone else in just a sentence or two?

3. How can you apply this Scripture to your life today? Can you find the truth here that crosses generations?

4. Are there more questions that came up as you read this passage? Do you know where to look to find the answers?

If you take your time, give your heart over completely and search for God's messages in your Bible study time, you'll be amazed at how He speaks to you? I pray today that you will fall in love with the Scriptures as never before, and that you will be encouraged to keep digging into His word to find His plan for your daily living.


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