My Book Stack This Week - Or What Happens When You Go To Two Used Book Sales In Two Months

I love book sales. I love to read the titles of every single book. I love to look for certain authors. I love to be surprised by books on subjects I love that I didn't know existed. I love that you never know what you'll find. I love that one man's donated book is another man's treasured book.

I love books.

So having two used book sales in two months in two towns has been a wonderful time for me. I found several books by my favorite fiction writer, as well as trunk-loads of study books and just-for-fun books. I don't think any of them are very new, and that makes them all the more fun!

Did I mention that I love books?

I've already read through many of them, and they have found a permanent home on one of the many bookshelves in our house. The rest are piled up on my end table, just begging to be read.

Here's just a sampling of what's on the stack right now.

1. Making Scrapbooks: Complete Guide to Preserving Your Treasured Memories. Published in 1998, this was one of the oldest books I found, but when you're looking for new ideas for your own work, anything can trigger your creativity. In addition to lots of early layouts, there are also sections on gathering family history, photography tips and how to restore photos that have been damaged. I'm really interested in the chapter on binding techniques so I can do some book making of my own.

2. Reader's Digest book Jesus and His Times. The 336 pages of this book are packed with photos, drawings and historical information about the time period Jesus lived in. I really enjoy learning the background to a story - it makes the truths of the Bible a little more vivid during my daily study. The photography of the region is amazing, and the maps are well worth the dollar I paid for it.

3. Every Woman In The Bible. I am fascinated by the lives of the women in the Bible, particularly those of the New Testament. This book details the lives of the Biblical women - those named and those not named - and their impact on the world around them. This one will have to be read little by little, as there is so much information packed into it.

4. I was thrilled to find Elizabeth George's Cultivating A Life Of Character - Judges and Ruth. She is my favorite study book author, and this is one I didn't have. It is part of her Woman After God's Own Heart Bible study series, and I'll be starting a new notebook for it, like I have with all her others. (I still have a hard time writing in any book other than my Bible.)

5. The Words Lincoln Lived By: 52 Timeless Principles To Light Your Path. Ever since I was a little girl, Abraham Lincoln has always been my favorite president. We took a trip to Springfield when I was growing up, and I remember it like it was yesterday. Again, there's nothing like experiencing history to make you appreciate it. The author chose 52 of Lincoln's thoughts on things like compromise, freedom, courage and determination, then explained why they were so important in Lincoln's life. It's arranged, he explains, to be used during your quiet time once a week for a year, and I love that idea.

6. Sears, Roebuck and Co. Fall 1900 Catalog reprint. This one is completely for fun! In 1970, they reprinted a miniature version of the catalog from 1900, and it's absolutely fascinating. The print is very small, but my curiosity makes me read every word. From spices and soap to clothes and tools, it lists prices, colors and sizes in its detailed descriptions. You could even buy your tombstone for $9.98. I'm reading it page by page until my eyes go crossed.

7. Girl Meets Change: Truth To Carry You Through Life's Transitions. This is the only book on my stack right now that's brand new. Kristen Strong is an amazing blogger ( whom I have been following for ages. I've been able to relate to her stories about life as a military wife and Christian woman, and now she has a book about the truths that carry you through life's transitions. It's so full of Scriptural truths and honest emotion that it's terribly difficult to put down. If you'd like to pre-order this amazing book, look here.

Enough writing. More reading.
I love books.


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