A Weekend Of Singing Along

There's within my heart a melody - it's more than just the opening lyrics of a hymn. It's my heart.

If you're around me for any period of time, you'll notice that I'm always singing or humming. It's very rare for me to not have a sing going through my head - and yes, everything reminds me of a sing.

You've been warned...

There's probably a song on your heart, too. It's just another proof that humans are designed to worship the Lord.

But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. Psalm 59:16

Make this a weekend of singing along with the song the Lord had placed in your heart. It may be a phrase of praise. Or a tune of thanksgiving. Or a melody of mercy. Or a line of love. Or a chorus of compassion.

Whatever it is, whatever that melody drifting through you is, sing it. Sing it loud and sing it strong. It's the song that God has placed there just for you, and it's the perfect chorus to share with the world around you.


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