Savior, Like A Shepherd

No one knows the sheep of the field better than their shepherd. He knows what's best for them, what their individual personalities are and what they need to keep them safe and happy.

Another shepherd could come in, but the relationship would be totally different. They don't know each other or trust each other because there is no foundation to build upon.

I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. John 10:14-15

As the sheep of God's field, we are protected and led by the Good Shepherd. He knows us personally and knows us better than we know ourselves. He has known us from the foundation of the world, and He knows every hair on our head - what a magnificent and soothing thought.

Jesus Christ knows us so well that He knows what blessings we need and when we need to be poked a little. Just like the shepherd in the field, there is a balance between tender affection and a well placed prodding to keep the sheep in live. Jesus knows the best of both motivations and what will provide us with the best and most wonderful life with Him.

While under the watchful eye of the shepherd, the sheep can relax and trust, knowing that their guardian will take care of them. In faith, we know that the Lord leads, guides and directs while keeping our best interest in mind. This is how we are able to rest in Him in complete peace and satisfaction.

And what a glorious message in these two verses that the Christ who loves us so dearly and protects us so carefully was willing to lay down His very life for us, His sheep. This is how we are sealed for all eternity, safe in the field of Jesus Christ.

I love the look on this little sheep's face. It kind of says it all. He looks wide-eyed in surprise, like he's been startled a little. Under the protective watch of the Shepherd, all we have to be wide-eyed about are His wondrous blessings. There is no reason to worry or fear because the Shepherd has everything under control. This isn't our natural inclination, so it's often surprising when we realize how safe and cared for we really are. What a wonderful way to spend life, looking for those daily blessings and having our eyes opened to how much our Shepherd loves us and how well He cares for us.


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