Questions About Your Time

I have no idea what your day looks like. I don't know if you're scheduled within an inch of your life for the next four weeks. I don't even know if I am...and that's a scary thought. My calendar and I are in two different rooms, and without that I don't know my own schedule. I just know it's going to be a busy month.

But the motivation behind that busyness often gets lost in the shuffle. We're planning...we're asked to do things...we're expected to be places...and we're trying to accomplish everything we can in a short period of time. But why? Is it truly about celebrating Christmas? Is it honestly about sharing the Gospel with our loved ones?

As you glance at your calendar frequently over the next few hours, days and weeks, ask yourself some serious questions.

* Are you making time to spend with the Lord?

* Have you scheduled yourself so tightly that you're rushing from one thing to another?

* Do you feel like you have control over your time or are others telling you where to be and when?

* Is there time for you to just relax and enjoy the season?

* What could you remove from your list, delegate, reschedule or eliminate altogether from your life to free up your time?

If you struggled with these questions, it's time to pray about how the Lord would have you schedule yourself over the Christmas season. It's all about's always been about Him. If God isn't the focus and the very center of all we do, the time is wasted as wood, hay and stubble.

Instead, let's spend this month celebrating Christ's birth with open hearts and minds, not full calendars and multiple trips to the store. This is a glorious time of year and a precious event will be upon us soon. Let's not miss it, but glory in the miracle that is Christmas!


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