Homemade Or Store Bought?

The holiday season is approaching so quickly that I can't flip the calendar fast enough. There will be many gift-giving opportunities ahead, too: hostess gifts, winter birthdays, Christmas and several other special occasions. One gift for each of them will add up quickly.

Not to ruin the surprise, but my friends and family will be receiving handmade gifts this year. I'm not being a miser, although I love a good bargain as well as the next woman. This is a conscious effort on my part with a particular meaning.

Can you remember back to birthdays and Christmas mornings when you received a hand-knit sweater or a piece of embroidery to hang on the wall? If you were very young it probably didn't mean much, and they were laid aside for the shiny new toy or sparkly jewelry.

These days, perhaps I'm showing my age, I would much prefer a set of handmade note cards or a crocheted throw for my prayer closet. There are many ladies who have already gone to Heaven who would make me those precious types of things every year, and now I don't have them to look forward to as often. Now those homemade gifts are more special than any trinket from the store could ever be.

It means more to me that someone took the time and effort to make something particularly for me. I know as I make cards that I'm praying over each one of them and thinking about the special people in my life who will receive them. Anyone can go to the store and buy the same thing as everyone else, but it takes planning and love to make something from the heart.

Carefully consider how you spend you money on gifts this holiday season. Perhaps no one will remember the electric drill or the appetizer tongs a year from now, but the warmth that you give in a handmade gift will last a lifetime.


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