What Are You Putting Off?

There is an ever-growing stack of paperwork on my craft room floor. It's been there for over a week now and I do believe that it is feeding and replenishing itself. I couldn't even begin to tell you half of what's in it, but I know there are pages that need to be filed, some that need shredded and some that just need to be read.

Yes...I've been putting it off. I'm fully aware of how much time and energy that one particular pile is going to take. It's not a fun task, it's not exciting and it's definitely not the most glamorous thing I will have done all day. I'm just plain procrastinating.

I also know that I need to go tackle the rose bushes. If I want more brilliant blooms, I need to get out there and prune. There are a couple of closets bursting at the seams that are overdue for a straightening. And don't even mention cleaning the fan blades all over the house - so far I've only done one fan. The rest have been on my list for absolutely ages.

Does this sound like your own personal putting-off list? We procrastinate with a lot of things, not just with the chores we'd rather not tackle. While there are things around the house that deserve our attention, matters of greater importance quickly fall into that "I'll Do It Tomorrow" category.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:9-10

* When was the last time you visited one of your church's shut-ins, or even wrote her a letter? I am so guilty of waiting until a more convenient season, which never seems to come. Then I imagine checking an empty mailbox every day and waiting for the phone to ring. Tomorrow isn't soon enough to touch someone's life with God's love.

* Do you pray immediately when someone asks you to? How easy is it to say, Of course I'll pray for your health/child/spouse/situation, and then forget all about it? Either write it down in your prayer journal at that moment, or take the time right there to pray with that person. Yes, God knows about the situation, but it's our responsibility to intercede. Can't do that if we never get around to it.

* That woman who scans your purchases in the grocery store may not be there next week. The man who fills your prescriptions may have moved on by the next time you stop in. If we don't take every opportunity possible to witness to those around us, we may never have the chance. Today may bring something we weren't expecting, leaving no option for tomorrow. And God's Word will never return void, so don't put it off.

I would hate to put something important like these blessings off until tomorrow and then face God this afternoon. I would only have excuses for why I didn't use the time He gave me to the fullest - for Him. If tomorrow never comes, I want to fill this day earnestly and lovingly with things that can't wait until another day.

So now, I'm off to write a note of encouragement. And pull out the shredder.


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