Apparently Time Is Of The Essence

There is a spot in Columbia, South Carolina, where Interstates 20 and 77 cross. Three lanes of traffic going north go three separate directions, and if you're not in the correct lane, things can be a little messy. Consideration for those around this area seems to take a back seat to doing what's necessary at the moment.

Drivers tend to make last-minute decisions about which highway they need to be on and which lane takes them that direction. Turn signals aren't necessary for lane changes because they know where they're headed, right? It's frustrating to be in the right lane, traveling the right speed and going in the direction I need to be going while everyone else is hurrying and darting and breaking numerous traffic laws.

While telling this story the other day, I realized that we often do this in our personal life, too, not just behind the wheel. Time is of the essence constantly - whether it's to get a little further down the road or to get everything accomplished we need to today. If we can just get a little breathing room we can whip over into that other lane and make up for lost time.

But the risks outweigh the rewards for this kind of time-keeping. Instead of taking a leisurely journey through the day, we veer off course and scare other drivers. If we don't look ahead and know where the lane change needs to happen, we end up cutting someone off and causing frustration in someone else's life. Hurry in our own vehicle shouldn't mean chaos in someone else's.

And what happens if we miss our lane change? We get thrown out of whack because know we have to go down to the next exit and backtrack. That probably wasn't in the plan for the day anymore than being in the wrong lane was, but now here we are...

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. James 4:14

I don't want to spend my time this week consumed with lane changes, cutting people off in my hurry and worrying about which lane I need to be in! James wrote that my life is a vapour in God's grand timing, and I don't want to waste any of it being a nuisance on the road. The Lord has glorious things planned for us this week, so be a safe, courteous driver and enjoy His journey.


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