Three Girls and Their Toys

And then there's her squeaky toy. Sadie has severe hip dysplasia in both back hips, but she;ll hoist herself up every time just to go fetch this.
Cayenne would actually rather play with a bottle cap or a paper towel tube, but she'll cuddle with her bouncy mouse on occasion. It used to be attached to a pole for teasing your cat, but she did away with that.
Bailey just got this adorable bunny. She's a huge fan of fluffy animal toys, especially Mr. Squirrel, but we're trying to get her to branch out. She'll take it to the door when Danny comes home, apparently as a bribe to keep him from leaving again.
This is one of my favorites. Sadie still hasn't figured out that the little red ball doesn't come out...ever. It may be a little frustrating for her, but I think it's fun to watch.
While she has a big scratching post in the dining room window, this miniature one will keep Cay's attention for a couple of minutes.
This is Bailey's all-time favorite toy. I think it looks like something on Normandy Beach, but each of the points squeak, so she'll carry it everywhere making noises.

It's great to have a variety of play-things around for the girls. We rotate them every couple of weeks, though, so they don't get too bored. There's nothing worse than a bored Labrador!
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