It's Only The Lord

I just had to share this with you this afternoon...

Yesterday was our Ladies Jubilee and it was fabulous! Our speaker was an incredible inspiration and she was so used of God. But the best part was the two precious souls that got saved. One of them was a college girl who thought she was just gaining assurance of her salvation, but realized afterwards that she had never really been saved.

This morning I sat down in my pew after the choir sang and there was a piece of paper there. It was one of the cards we had handed out yesterday for the ladies to register their attendance. I almost started crying when I saw that it was the card of that college girl.

Now, that might be just sweet in the grand scheme of things, but here's what makes it so wonderful. When we fir st start planning Jubilee at the beginning of the year, I start praying for whoever is going to be sitting in my seat on that Saturday. We have no idea who will be coming that day or what kind of baggage they'll be bringing in with them, so I just want my little area to be bathed in prayer.

So when I saw that one of the two ladies who got saved was sitting in my seat, I about started shouting. Now I'm a crier not a shouter, so that is really saying something!

You never know how God is going to answer prayer or how He is going to use your faithfulness. I just pray that each one of us will take the time to point out certain people and situations for the Lord to take care of.


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