More Important Than Money In The Bank

Yesterday was the Going Home Service for one of my dearest Titus older women. Francis Rice was saved when she was just 12 years old, and has been a faithful Christian and preacher's wife ever since.

During her funeral our preacher said something that stopped me in my tracks. He was speaking about how she was doing very well, thank you. Then he said she treasured family, friends and her Lord much more than money in the bank. Something to seriously think about.

Finance Fridays are some of my favorite topics to write about because I learn so much about saving, investing, spending wisely and being good stewards of the money God has blessed us with. But these words from the man of God made me start to analyze what's truly important in my life.

* My salvation is much more important than money in the bank.

* My God and our relationship is much more important than money in the bank.

* My husband and our marriage are much more important than money in the bank.

* My parents and extended family are much more important than money in the bank.

* My church family and their friendship is much more important than money in the bank.

* My writing ministries are much more important than money in the bank.

* My relatively good health is much more important than money in the bank.

* Having God's blessings of food, clothing, shelter and other necessities are much more important than money in the bank.

* Taking opportunities to share the Gospel any time and any place is much more important than money in the bank.

We can be watchful of our money and conscious of better ways to spend and save it, but the most important thing is being aware of the blessings in our lives. While the love of money is the root of all evil, putting finances and worry about finances in prominence is also a sin.

A Christian woman should never spend more time thinking about or spending money than she does working to grow her relationship with God. Trusting Him with her money erases all the worry and puts her focus back where it belongs - on Him.

What is your life is much more important than money in the bank?
* Seeing the joy in the life I've been given is much more important than money in the bank.


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