Sunflower Cupcakes

Instead of several different desserts this year, we're making more than 400 cupcakes! Coolest idea ever! We've been digging through all those amazing cupcakes cookbooks that are on the market right now. A couple of favorites: Hello, Cupcake! by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson, and Cupcakes, Cakes and More, a mini mag from Betty Crocker. Both have some amazing design ideas.
The cupcake that I chose to make 100 of for the Jubilee is this beautiful sunflower cupcake. It's from the Hello, Cupcake book. The only things the pictured cupcakes are missing are their spearmint candy leaves and little M&M ladybugs. When they're done I'll add a picture.

After making the cupcakes from whatever recipe you want (mine are orange supreme from a box mix), cover the top of the cupcakes with green frosting for your grass. Before it hardens, tuck one large and one small Oreo cookie into the frosting.
Mixing orange and yellow frosting and using a flat leaf tip on your decorating bag, make leafs on both the upper and lower edges of the cookies. Then embellish with leaf candies and little bugs for that special touch.
It took me a little over half an hour to decorate these 24 cupcakes, but they're so worth it! So Friday I'll make my 100-cupcake contribution to Jubilee and see what everyone came up with! So much fun!
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