I'm Too Blessed To Be Stressed!

If your schedule has looked like mine lately, you've been super-busy! It seems as if I've been trying to stuff more and more into each day and feeling more and more exhausted by day's end.

The around-the-house chores would be enough in themselves. I run two web sites, I just finished writing my first book, I cook, clean and keep up our home.

There are also church projects: the dresses that we're making for Jubilee are now finished after many hours and there are several missions projects that need to be finished.

Not to mention the things I would like to do - corresponding with family, scrapbooking my own pictures and really digging into the spring cleaning.

I used to think it would be nice to add an extra hour or two to each day, but the Lord knows better. I would probably just fill them with more chores, projects and activities.

Up until just a couple of days ago I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed like never before. I couldn't concentrate on any one project because I was busy thinking about another one. My time is very precious and I felt like I was wasting it worrying about everything instead of enjoying what I was doing at the moment.

Then God's plan for my time came into better focus. I am far too blessed to be stressed. At this precise moment I have everything I could ever ask or hope for. I may not feel like it sometimes, but praise God we don't have to be controlled by feelings.

When I'm up to my ears in church work, I thank the Lord that someone trusts me and appreciates my work enough to allow me the opportunity to serve.

As I'm trying to balance house work and personal work, I appreciate all the blessings God has flooded me with. He has given me a husband, a home, ways to serve and obey and enjoy. Those are the important thoughts to focus on.

If we're willing to take the day one moment at a time and find God's purpose in what we're doing, time flies and we're successful in all we do. If we're willing to take ourselves out of the equation, we can see how this path the Lord has led us down is for our own personal good and a blessing for another people.

Seeing our daily work through God's eyes makes it crystal clear that we're too blessed to be stressed!


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