My "It's Rodeo Week!" Planner Layout

One of my favorite times of year is upon us - our community's rodeo! I have a few cowboy-themed paper craft supplies left over from a past project, so I grabbed everything I could find and made this adorable layout.

I started by outlining the horizontal lines with blue patterned washi tape to mimic a fence. Then I tore pieces of brown speckled washi and randomly added them to the page. Each piece of washi has a sticker image on it, along with some words and gear to create little clusters.

One of the greatest inspirations for our planners - or any other craft project for that matter - will come from our daily lives and what is important to us. I love rodeo week, and now I'll have the week's events journaled and recorded. If you're doing something cool this week, are passionately pursuing something or just enjoying something, turn it into this week's planner pages - you'll be glad you did.


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