My “Valentine’s Week” Planner Layout

It’s Valentine’s Week! Can you believe it’s the second full week of February already? I really enjoyed pulling out the Lovey-Dovey box from the craft room lately and make some very special things to show you overt he past few days. That included package after package of heart stickers, heart die cuts, heart buttons and heart ... you get the idea. Several of those made it into this week’s planner layout.

Just like last week’s layout, I’ve tried to be very subtle with the Valentine’s Day theme. It’s subtle, right? (Wink...) I use up each of these spaces on the left page with lists and notes from meetings and Bible study throughout the week. It’s fun to go back later and see how I documented the events of each week. I’ll probably add some hearts down the “food” section to change those days of the week to match the right hand page.

As always, my right side page leaves lots of room for the things I hope to get done and the things I actually get done. It’s going to be a great week, and I need plenty of room to write it all down. This week’s youth group lesson is all about love - what love is and what love isn’t. I’m excited to get their experiences and input on the subject. And Friday night is the church’s Valentine’s banquet, so we’ll get to hear a message of our own. I can’t wait to enjoy each and every day of the upcoming week.


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