Why I Love Teaching At Our Church

For some reason, our teens love art more than anything else. They enjoy lessons that have coloring pages with them. They color, doodle and create while we talk about some pretty heavy subjects. And they seem to retain information better when there is something art-centered to do while they listen and share. 

Which brings us to this week’s lessons. They were told to choose any pages they wanted to from several activity books, but on one condition - they had to be able to tell the Bible story that activity was referring to when they were done.

The page I chose was from the creation story in Genesis 1. First, a disclaimer: Danny is the artist in our house. He can draw anything in realistic detail. I, on the other hand, was not given drawing talent in that way. That’s why my drawings look like this. Those are fish at the top, swimming with an octopus, a star fish and a sea horse (not to be mistaken for an underwater duck). The bottom one has a cat and a dog with a spider, a rock and two squished bugs. (Don’t ask.)

Then we come to the picture of me. It looks just like me, right? Because I always stand like a gingerbread woman wearing football pads. I really wanted you to see the creation of this drawing just to hear my sweet Chloe’s instructions for my drawing. This little girl is one of the lights of my life, and this picture wouldn’t have been the same without her.


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