What Can You Do On The National Day Of Encouragement?

We all need a little encouragement every now and then. It might be a tough day, a sudden complication or an illness. Or maybe someone you know is struggling with depression or anxiety, a terrible home life or a serious diagnosis.

What can you do to be an encouragement?

That’s the question many of us will be asking today - the National Day of Encouragement.

This shouldn’t be a one-day-a-year occurrence for Christian women, though. We’re called to edify and lift one another up every change we have. Is that what you’re thinking about when you’re going about your everyday life?

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Ephesians 4:29

So how can you be an encouragement today ... and every day to come?

1. Does someone you know make your life better just because they’re in it? Tell them!

2. Say hello to a complete stranger. Smiling makes this even more effective.

3. Ask someone how they’re doing, and then actually listen to the answer and respond.

4. Leave a sticky note or note card in someone’s purse, on their desk or in their pew at church.

5. Is the store employee or checker seem to be having a bad day? Tell them you understand how hard their job can be.

6. Choose a chore or task you know the other person hates and do it for them.

7. Give someone a handmade card or gift. It means you were thinking about them and praying for them as you made it.

8. Call one person you haven’t spoken to in a while and let them do all the talking.

9. Sincerely say thank you every chance you get.

10. Have some stickers or tiny toys with you that you can share with a child who is well behaved.

11. Any time you bake, make a second batch to share.

12. Promote your friends and family who have their own business or side hustle. Everyone needs a cheerleader!

13. Get a box of coloring cards, especially the ones with Scripture, and color a few to hand out when someone needs it.

14. Take special notice of people who are performing their own acts of encouragement, then encourage them!

What can you do to be a encourager today?


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