A DIY Gift Box Made To Order

When individuals and organizations come to our office asking for donations for their events, we love to help. We may not be able to donate money or large-ticket items, but we’re glad to give as much swag as we can. But when we were recently asked to help put together a gift basket for the grand prize of a contest, I said yes immediately. Pictured here is the end result of several local businesses and attractions pooling their resources for a good cause.

The only problem was that we didn’t have a basket big enough. But never fear - who needs a basket when you can make your own gift box? Our brand color at the office is teal, so we have tons of teal tissue paper. I found a box with an attached lid that was the perfect size to hold the American Gothic puzzle and wrapped it with the paper. (Yes, the American Gothic House and Center are just a few minutes away from here.)

It takes some taping and a little cutting to make it work, so I had to be more patient than I normally am when I cut. Says the girl who flunked “scissors” in kindergarten...

The finishing touch was a burlap stripe around the outside of the box and a few flowers tucked in the front. I had so many donations that they spilled over the edges of the box, which was an added bonus for covering a few blemishes. I’m so pleased with how it turned out, and I hope the winner enjoys their box of treasures as much as I enjoyed creating it!


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