Update Your Scrabble Game With Washi Tape

For the past few months I've been using wash tape in my journaling Bible. It's one of my favorite decorations, and you can find it fairly inexpensively just about anywhere. Today I'm spreading my washing tape wings and adding it to one of our Stuff From Trees lines - the Scrabble trays!

Using my steadiest hands, I run a piece of thick wash tape across the curved part of the tray. This puts one edge under the tray and the other edge in the crease of the tray. A sharp pair of pointed, nonstick scissors makes cutting it evenly much easier.

Then I repeat the process, matching up the edges of the tape and its pattern, until the tray is covered.

I use hot glue to carefully attach the letters to the covered tray. A toothpick is the best tool for cleaning up any stray globs of glue.

I use the blank tiles as a blank canvas for decoration on some of the words. A few adorable stickers or images accent the finished piece.

It's so much fun to mix and match patterns and colors of wash tape to make our handmade, one-of-a-kind crafts and gifts. If you'd like one of these Scrabble trays, message us through Etsy or Facebook. We look forward to sending these trays off to their new homes.


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