So You Got What You Prayed For ... Now What?

I had a very specific prayer request on my heart for two years. It was personal, serious and deeply painful, and it absorbed much of my mind and time for all those months. I surrendered my control of the situation to God and told Him I would love and reverence Him no matter what His answer was.

For those two years, God's answer was "wait." He had the timing all figured out, whether it felt like it or not. I struggled, I spent hours on end in my prayer closet and I did my best to continue on with the normal things in life. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, but by the grace of God I tried to live life in obedience to Him.

And then came that week when everything changed. God's "wait" answer turned into a resounding "yes!" He showered me with blessings even better than I asked for - or could have even imagined. My life today is living proof of the great and mighty God we serve.

But now what? For two years I was so focused on this prayer request that I really didn't know where to go from here. It didn't take long, though, before I learned what it was God wanted from me now.

* For me to give thanks for the answer just as long as I had prayed for the answer.
* To have our story told so it can be an encouragement to others.
* The same prayer warrior mentality used for the prayer requests of others.
* To offer up similar prayers for other areas in my own life.
* An equal amount of time in prayer and Bible study as I did over those two years.
* Time in my prayer closet just as frequently.

Your faith doesn't stop when God answers your prayers. It's just the beginning of this special, bonded relationship. Where you go from here is the message to the Lord that you're grateful for His time and attention. It's this faithfulness after the answer that helps you grow closer to God and learn just how He wants to use you again - because there will be a next time.


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