A Week Of Taking Notice

While we were working on our pallet wall last weekend, we spent quite a bit of time sanding and staining the pallet wood. During one quick break in the action, I happened to notice the face on the side of Danny's power hand sander. See it there in the yellow spot - two little black eyes and a long mouth? It's hard to tell from a straight line if it's a sad face or a happy face. Perhaps he's indifferent.

It's a little thing, really, but for just a moment in a long, work-intensive project, I had to stop and laugh. And I had to share it with Danny, although I apparently thought it was much funnier than he did.

How often do you stop and take notice of the little things happening around you?

And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which had been blind from his birth. John 9:1

Jesus didn't have to stop in front of the blind man. He could have kept walking and healed the man without deviating from His path. A simple thought would have given sight to the man's eyes, but Jesus Christ made use of this moment to stop and work an absolutely undeniable miracle in this man's life.

How often do you stop and take notice of the big things happening around you?

Make this a week of taking notice. Look up from the phone, the list or the woe-is-me attitude and really look at the people in your life. God may have planned a whole string of ways you can bless others, but you'll never see them if you're not looking both up and around.

Jesus Christ gives us the perfect example of how to see people, stop what we're doing and step out in confidence that God is using us to make a difference in people's lives. It's then our responsibility to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and be willing to let God use us however He sees fit. What a great way to spend the week!


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