Rooted And Built Up

I've been transplanting some plants lately. They've been placed in new pots, bigger pots, so they can grow up big and strong.

Without room for the roots to dig down deep in the soil and have room to spread, the tops will never grow in. They'll look exactly like they do now, and then they'll wilt and fall off.

Just like we will without being firmly grounded in Jesus Christ.

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7

Paul knew exactly what the church at Colosse needed. He wasn't there with them in person, but he knew their hearts and knew how they would grow and flourish as believers.

They had to get rooted so they could be built up.

It doesn't matter what happens on top if there's nothing going on below. A weak root system will kill a plant quickly, as there's nothing to hold it in place or feed it. There have to be solid roots.

And you can't build up until the roots grow down. Rooted. Grounded. Solid in Christ.

We heard the truth - that's why we accepted the gift of salvation. That's the baby roots. The little roots that just barely reach down into the soil. From there, they grow deep in doctrine, grounded in Scripture and established by the way the Lord moves in our lives.

The more closely we walk with Him, the deeper our roots grow. Day after day. Year after year.

Paul knew the church knew the truth. They knew how to live for Christ. Now they were being reminded to walk like they knew. This walk was their manner of living. He was simply telling them to let the truth take control of the entire life.

Let those roots dig down deeper and deeper.

When the roots are grounded and solid, spreading out far and wide and deep, then the top of the plant can grow. It can be built up, bearing much fruit in the world.

You can't be built up until the roots grow down.

Nothing will happen on top of the soil if there's nothing happening beneath.

Like so many other parts of life, getting your heart rooted in Christ is a decision. An every-day decision. A moment-by-moment decision sometimes.

You choose to walk. You choose to walk with Christ. You choose to continue on when everything around you says to give it up.

And then you say thank you.

And the words will never be enough.

When you're rooted and built up in Christ, the thanksgiving inside you overflows. It's abundant in you because of all He has done.

You abound in gratitude as you grow in grace.

Keep walking.
Keep digging down deep.
Keep building on up.
And keep thanking the Lord every chance you have.


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