A Weekend Of Anticipation

This is the look of a dog who's waiting for something.

Someone, actually. This is what Molly does every time Danny goes outside. Without her. By himself. To do anything.

She puts huge nose prints on the window and whines like a puppy. She watches his every move and shakes with anticipation when she sees him coming back to the house.

Then she lavishes him with attention and love and kisses. And that's a lot for a 160-pound Great Dane.

Do you wait for the Lord like this or do you wait like you're in the doctor's office waiting room?

For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Romans 8:24-25

Make this a weekend of anticipation. Wait on the Lord like it's Christmas morning - with all of the excitement and joy and hope you have inside you. He is planning something amazing for your day today, and all you have to do is wait on Him to bless you.

So stand at the window of your heart, press your nose against the glass and be ready to give God your attention and love while you're in His presence.

He's waiting for you, too.


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