Maple/Brown Sugar and Old Bay Roasted Carrots

Whenever we get a vegetable tray from the grocery store, there's always one veggie left when all the others are gone. The tray then gets pushed to the back of the refrigerator in favor of other, fresher foods.

That's what happened at our house this weekend, and it was the carrots that were the holdouts. Both sections of carrots were almost full, so I decided to roast them up and enjoy those last morsels of goodness.

But just one kind isn't enough. There were two sections of carrots, so I made two different kinds - maple/brown sugar and Old Bay. They're both great for different reasons, so try them both and see which one you like better.

mini carrots or carrots chopped into 4-inch sticks
olive oil
Old Bay seasoning
brown sugar
maple syrup

1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Spray a baking dish with nonstick spray if you're making the maple/brown sugar carrots.

2. For the Old Bay carrots, pour enough olive oil into the baking dish to cover the bottom. Add the carrots and toss gently to cover them with oil. Season to taste and toss again.

3. For the maple/brown sugar carrots, pour enough maple syrup into the baking dish to cover the bottom. Add the carrots and toss gently to cover them with syrup. Generously sprinkle brown sugar over the top. (The brown sugar will melt in and caramelize, so use plenty.)

4. Roast at 425 degrees for 10 minutes. Gently stir the carrots and roast for another 10 minutes. Serve immediately.


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