A Week Of Craftiness

Danny's had four of the past five days off from work, so we've been having fun working on projects around the house together. Here's just a sampling of what we've done. 

I made a box out of paint stir sticks for some spring plants. Danny taught me how to use several of his power tools, so it was a real learning experience. I also discovered that if one corner of a project leans a little bit, you can't always fix it. Chalk that one up to experience.

I finally got around to painting my second filing cabinet. I absolutely love the way this one turned out, too. So now I can finally finish organizing the office ... a project for another day.

Danny's putting together some intarsia ornaments for this year's Walk On Art Street craft fair, and this little bear was his first attempt. I think it is just the cutest thing ever - look for them in the shop sometime this summer.

And we put our heads together to make this beautiful welcome sign for the entryway. This one definitely a team effort, and I'm thrilled with the way it turned out.

Danny cut the board down for me, and I put the word on using the wax paper technique. You write the word in your word processing program, then flip it horizontally. Cut a piece of wax paper down to 8.5x11 inches and tape it to a piece of card stock. Then run it through the rear tray of your printer, and it will print on the wax paper in reverse. Carefully flip it ink side down onto the wood and burnish it with the edge of an old credit card.

Then Danny cut two small boards just high enough to attach this pipe clamp around my old jar. I finished the whole thing with sedona red stain for this rustic look with the copper.

A couple of eyelets in the top of the board and a piece of twine finished it off. Now I'm just waiting for spring to actually arrive so I'll have fresh-cut flowers to put in it.

Not bad for four days, I'm thinking. We have so much fun together - wait until he sees what I have planned for his next weekend off ...


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