A Weekend Of Changing

Tonight we set our clocks forward an hour - don't forget, otherwise you'll be late for church. Who wants to explain why you're just walking in at the end of the sermon?

The time change is easier in the fall than it is in the spring. In the fall we gain an hour to give us a little extra daylight. That means an extra hour to sleep on that Sunday morning, where in the spring we lose an hour.

And did you know there are places that don't even bother with Daylight Savings Time? What a less-confusing place that must be.

And be ye not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

Make this a weekend of changing, but not just the time. Anyone can change the time on their clock, but it takes a strong Christian woman to allow herself to be changed. The Holy Spirit wants to work in your heart and renew your mind to His way, not the ways of the world. Surrender is difficult in any form, but even more so when you're changing who you are.

This weekend, pay close attention to the moving of the Spirit and how He wants you to grow and change. It may be through your Bible study, your prayer time or just that still, small voice that urges you to be more for Him than you ever have before.

What a wonderful change!


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