A Weekend Of Acceptance

There is a beautiful flowering bush next to our back steps. This is the spot where I sit and watch the girls play in the back yard.

This huge bee also enjoys this spot. He has a job to do, travelling from flower to flower making that loud buzzing. I'm not afraid of him because he goes his way while I go mine. It wouldn't do me any good to cry or complain or get scared, because that would truly make the situation worse.

Is this not how often look at the way God is working in our lives? There are scary, uncomfortable, unpleasant things happening (like the bee), and we want to run away screaming. That's how our human eyes, heart and mind react.

But through God's eyes, He is moving things around to work for His glory and His honor. What may be scary, uncomfortable and unpleasant to our flesh is actually part of His greater good for our lives.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11

Spend this weekend taking a serious look at those things in your life that seem so terrible. Is God using them to grow you, mold you or teach you? I pray we can all be accepting of God's will for our lives - then the bees along the path won't seem so terrible.


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