Take Your Game To A Whole New Level

Do you have parts of games and pieces from toys that have been misplaced or separated from their little friends? Most times we would throw them away, but here's a great idea for one way to upcycle some parts into something glorifying to God!

You'll need:
Scrabble titles and trays
Stickers, rub-ons or stamps
Hot glue gun

1. Go through your Scrabble titles and figure out what you're able to spell. Some might be missing, but you can be creative and inspired by what's available. I used the blank tiles for the upright flowers on the "pray" tray. The long tiles on the "praise" and "joyful" trays are extra letters turned on their side. That way the letters won't show on the back.

2. Apply stickers, rub-ons or stamps to the blank tiles. You can even emboss like you do on paper, just make sure not to burn the wood. Match the images to the word you've chosen, or pick a season or theme that fits your mood.

3. Lay out the tiles in the exact spacing you want them to appear. Using a hot glue gun, run small, think line of glue across the bottom of the back of each tile. Too much will squirt out over the edges, and you'll want to take off any little strings of dried glue that might poke out. Allow to dry for a few minutes before you try to move them.


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